Isaiah 21:9 Look, here comes a man in a chariot with a team of horses. And he gives back the answer: 'Babylon has fallen, has fallen! All the images of its gods lie shattered on the ground!'

And, behold … a chariot of men - This place shows that the word ‹chariot‘ may denote something else than a wagon or carriage, as a chariot drawn by men cannot be intended.

Babylon is fallen - That is, her ruin is certain. Such a mighty army is drawing near, and they approach so well prepared for battle, that the ruin of Babylon is inevitable. The “repetition” of this declaration that ‹Babylon is fallen,‘ denotes emphasis and certainty. Compare Psalm 92:9:

For lo, thine enemies, O Lord,
For lo, thine enemies shall perish.
Psalm 93:3:
The floods have lifted up, O Lord;
The floods have lifted up their waves.

A similar description is given of the fall of Babylon in Jeremiah 50:32; "The proudest shall stumble and fall, And no one will raise him up; I will kindle a fire in his cities
And will devour all around.
Jeremiah 51:8; "Babylon has suddenly fallen and been destroyed.
Walk for her!
Take balm for her pain;
Perhaps she may be healed.
John has copied this description in the account of the overthrow of the mystical Babylon Revelation 18:1-2. Babylon was distinguished for its pride, arrogance, and haughtiness. It became, therefore, the emblem of all that is haughty, and as such is used by John in the Apocalypse; and as such, it was a most striking emblem of pride and arrogance.

And all the graven images - Babylon was celebrated for its idolatry, and perhaps was the place where the worship of idols commenced.
Our God hated to be worshipped with any God. Babylon fell and it remains up to this day. Live a life free of arrogance, pride, and haughtiness and be blessed of the Lord.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are my light and salvation, help me always to submit to you in all I do in Jesus name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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