Isaiah 4:5 Then the LORD will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over all the glory will be a canopy.

Create - Will in a marvellous manner produce, as it were by a new creation. A cloud - A pillar of cloud and fire, like that wherewith he directed the Israelites when they came out of Egypt: whereby he implies, that God would be their protector, and their glory.The glory - Upon all that church and people, which God will make so glorious; upon all holy assemblies of sincere Christians.

And the Lord will create - The meaning of this verse and the next is, that God would take his people into his holy care and protection. The idea is expressed by images drawn, in this verse, from the protection which he afforded to the Israelites in their journeying from Egypt. The word "create" means here, he will afford or furnish, such a defense.

Upon every dwelling-place ... - Upon all the habitations of his people; that is, they shall be secure, and regarded as under his protection. The word "upon" refers to the fact that the pillar of the cloud stood "over" the tabernacle in the wilderness, as a symbol of the divine favor and presence. So his protection should be "on" or "over" the houses of all his people; compare Psalm 92:4-6.

And upon her assemblies - Their convocations; their sacred assemblies, such as were called together on the Sabbath; Leviticus 23:2; Numbers 28:18. It refers here to their "future" assemblies, and, therefore, includes the Christian church assembled to worship God.

A cloud and smoke by day - This refers to the pillar of cloud that went before the Israelites in their journey in the wilderness; Exodus 13:21; Exodus 14:20.

By day - By day, this appeared to them as a cloud; by night, as a pillar of fire; Exodus 13:21-22. That is, it was always conspicuous, and could be seen by all the people. A pillar of cloud could not have been seen by night; and God changes the symbols of his presence and protection, so that at all times his people may see them. The meaning here is, as God gave to the Israelites a symbol of his presence and protection, so he would be the protector and defender of his people hereafter.

For upon all the glory - Above all the "glorious object;" that is, his church, his people. It is here called 'the glory,' as being a glorious, or an honorable object.

A defense - This word properly means "a covering, protection," from the verb "to cover," and means that God will protect, or defend his people.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for assuring words, I have nothing to fear because of your unfailing promises, I hold firmly to it in Jesus name. Amen

Prayer: It is in Your vineyard oh Lord I will always love to stay, may Your presence forever reign in my life in Jesus' name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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