Jeremiah 33:2-3 "This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it —the LORD is his name:  ’Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

When it comes to God answering our prayers He puts His name under oath. He gives us the assurance of answering our prayers and revealing to us hidden truths. Prayer gives us access to the supernatural world. Prayer builds us up and gives us the privilege of communicating with our maker.  The answer is with God is He is awaiting your prayers.

_Happy mother's day ‍‍ to all mothers may the Lord bless you for your sacrifices, may your children call you blessed and may they be a blessing to you and humanity._

Prayer: Holy Spirit empower me unto prayer in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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