Revelation 19:10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus."

After the tremendous spiritual tour that John the Apostle had with the angel and revelations he had, he thought it wise to worship the angel, but the angel stopped him. We tend to worship servants of God when they lead us in the mysteries of God and profound revelations concerning our lives. There is a difference between showing gratitude and worshiping a servant of God. The Angel was discerning enough to know that John was not showing appreciation but was instead worshiping him, something that is only reserved for God. It is not wrong when we bow down to say thank you to servants of God when God uses them to reveal great mysteries to us. The test for the genuineness of the prophecy and the prophet is that in the end, you should Worship God. Any prophecy or prophet which does not lead you to God through Christ Jesus is false; also, any servant of God who desires to be worshiped because they were used to giving out a prophecy is not in the will of God. Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus replied: "’ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.

Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive me if I have idolized any of your servants in my life; I pray for wisdom in honouring the servants of God you bring my way in Jesus' name. Amen.

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