Jeremiah 28:15-16 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, "Listen, Hananiah! The LORD has not sent you, yet you have persuaded this nation to trust in lie s. Therefore this is what the LORD says: ’I am about to remove you from the face of the earth. This very year you are going to die, because you have preached rebellion against the LORD.’"
To become a servant of God is by divine calling not a natural desire to get employed.  From Adam through to the patriarchs, the prophets to the dispensation of Christ servants of God have always be chosen. Those who force their way into ministry often die along the way. There are others who are genuinely called but end their ministry because of disobedience to the Lord. It is amazing that in the new testament most people who wanted to follow Jesus Christ willing were denied. The man who was delivered of 12 legions of demons, in Luke 9: 57- 62 a number of people wanted to follow Jesus but they had unfinished businesses, they asked the master to be allowed to go and finish and later come and follow Him, but they were denied. On the other hand in Matthew 4: 18- 20 Peter and his brothers were working when the Lord called them, at once they left all and followed the Lord. Those who call themselves into the Lord's service always have eyes back but those who are called of the Lord have their eyes fixed on Jesus Christ no matter the challenge they face. John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit —fruit that will last —and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. You can never choose God, He has chosen you and it is the greatest privilege you can ever get in your lifetime.
John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.
If there is any prayer you earnestly need to pray is the prayer to be chosen by God.
Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus Christ I pray my heart out, Father choose me, give me that heart to believe, and follow Jesus Christ. Amen!
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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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