Jeremiah 13:11 As a belt clings to a person's waist, so I created Judah and Israel to cling to me," says the Lord. "They were to be my people, my pride, my glory and honor to my name. But they would not listen to me.
When God created us, He had a purpose in mind which is not out of place. This does not make God mean or autocratic. Come to think of it, every manufacturer has a purpose for which a product is made. It is never the intention of car manufacturers to see their brand of cars get involved in numerous accidents that takes the lives of people, it is a displeasure to them what brings them pleasure is for their cars to serve its purpose of safely transporting people. But why and how do these accidents occur? The driver's sometimes; drink and drive, over speed, refuse to obey road signs and traffic warnings  , etc. Is it the manufacturer's fault no! I have never heard any car manufacturer being arrested because His brand of car had an accident and people died. Mostly is the drivers that are arrested and fined for offenses committed.
God is the only manufacturer who gets blamed when things go wrong with Humanity and His creation. He gets the blame when accidents occur when disasters happen when people die etc. We blame God for everything. I think is unfair! We are the drivers of our life and He is our manufacturer and He has given us the Bible as a manual to guide us. If we fail to obey Him and any evil befalls us, God cannot be blamed and should not be blamed for our failure to obey Him. He created us for glory and honor, if your lives are the exact opposite of this then it means you are not listening to God. It is time we repent from our wicked ways to obey God fully.
"Prayer: Father you have said in your word obedience is better than sacrifice. Our disobedience to your word has cost us a lot. We pray for mercy and Grace. Holy Spirit help us in obeying God fully in Jesus name Amen.
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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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