1 Kings 9:3 The lord said to him, “I have heard your prayer and your petition. I have set this Temple apart to be holy—this place you have built where my name will be honored forever. I will always watch over it, for it is dear to my heart.

One of the places that God takes delight in is His temple. The temple of God is very dear to His heart. Why is the temple dear to God's heart? Even though it is built by men, once it is dedicated to the worship and service of the Father, He takes a keen interest in it. 1 Kings 9:3 I have set this Temple apart to be holy—this place you have built where my name will be honored forever. The Father takes a great interest in his temples because He sets them apart as a Holy place where He meets His Children and secondly, it is a place of eternal monument for Him.

There is another temple that God has a greater interest in and that is your body. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. We are a living temple, not built with sand, bricks and mortar but you are built by the Holy Word of God. The temple in Jerusalem was pulled down and its gates were burnt by enemy nations because of disobedience, God's promise to watch over them was not fulfilled. In the same way, when we disobey The Father your body will be destroyed.

Prayer: Holy Spirit help to keep my body as an honourable vessel of the Lord that
pleases Him in Jesus' name. Amen!

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