Luke 6:22-23 Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man`s sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, For in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.

Everyone needs love, acceptance and wants to be known as good. In your walk with Jesus Christ, you won't survive for long if you want the applause of people. To be identified with Jesus Christ comes with some level of stigmatization. You will be hated, excluded and called evil because of your decision to follow Jesus Christ.

If you have believed in Jesus Christ and you have not faced some of these things get ready for it, or you may not be facing it because you have conformed and compromised to the standard of the world. While Jesus Christ and the disciples were under great threat and danger, Judas the conformist was having fun with the enemies of God. Beloved if you are a true believer going through challenges for Jesus' sake you are not alone.

For in like manner, their fathers did to the prophets. Suffering, losing, being hated, and being sidelined are part of the packages of believers. But the caveat is that is working for our good. The world and the agents of the devil may think they are inflicting pain on you but Jesus calls it a blessing. It sounds weird right but you are blessed when you are hated for Christ's sake.

Leap for joy for great is your reward here on earth and in eternity. Cursed are you when you are hated, excluded and called evil for your sins but blessed are you if you go through all these because of Christ Jesus. What changes a curse into a blessing is the Christ factor. You are blessed because of Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Holy Spirit empower me to stand and not compromise in my faith when am hated for Christ's sake. Let the blessings of endurance be my portion in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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