Isaiah 18:4-5 For the Lord has told me this: "I will watch quietly from my dwelling place—as quietly as the heat rises on a summer day, or as the dew forms on an autumn morning during the harvest." Even before you begin your attack, while your plans are ripening like grapes, the Lord will cut you off as though with pruning shears. He will snip your spreading branches.

Once in our lifetimes, we are faced with situations and circumstances that call for the intervention of God. God's intervention and the intervention of humans are very different. For instance, the police, military, firefighters and many other safety organizations will always use their sirens to show they are coming and continue to use them even when they arrive. But God wins battle silently. When He wanted to deliver the people of Israel from the land of Egypt, He did not use an army to do that, He just used a man called Moses. When Moses got to the land of Egypt God never told him to set up a secret camp base to train soldiers to fight Pharaoh and His army, no.
The people of Israel left Egypt without using swords and spears. God used His word and His mighty acts through His prophet Moses to deliver Isreal out of Egypt. I don't know what situation you are going through right now that calls for the intervention of God. I want to assure you He is on the scene helping you. His word and invincible power is at work.

If you called on Him, He is right there with you fighting for your freedom. The arrival of Moses looked like adding more affliction to the plights of the Israelites but in the end, they won the victory.
In our text today, God assured His people through His prophet Isaiah that, He was watching quietly as their invaders come but this one assurance before they attempted anything on their lives He would strike. Even before you begin your attack, while your plans are ripening like grapes, the Lord will cut you off as though with pruning shears. He will snip your spreading branches.
The closeness of the enemy does not bother God as long, they can't lay hold on you, before they will lunch an attack on your life or do anything that will affect you the mighty hand of God will stop them and halt their schemes. God is our invincible warrior.

Prayer: Father I thank you, for the many battles you win for me. Continue to intervene for me with Your invincible hand.  When the victory is won is to your glory in Jesus' name. Amen.

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