Exodus 9:1: Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and tell him, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of the Hebrews: “Let My people go, so that they may serve Me.

There are seasons when  God releases His people from any form of bondage for them to serve him. There are people, places, and conditions that lay burdens upon individuals. For the people of Isreal, it was Pharaoh, for the donkey Jesus Christ sat on it was a family limitation, for the woman with the issue of the blood is was a disease, for Mary Magdalene it was demonic oppression. The good news is that in every category you find yourself God has the power to order that individual, place, condition that has limited you to let you go. Whether your limitation is financial, marital, educational, spiritual, business related God will release you so you can serve Him wholeheartedly. Your limitations and restrictions in life do not allow you to serve God faithfully. God will give a job so you will be a faithful thither, God will bless you with marriage so you can honor him. God will let you pass that exam so you can make time to read his word also, God will heal you so you can go to church regularly. Today God is speaking to any Pharaoh in your life to release you to serve him faithfully.

Prayer: God I thank you for releasing me from any form of bondage today. I pray for Grace to serve you faithfully in Jesus' Name.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


  1. Oh Lord, I want to serve you diligently, in truth and in Spirit so speak to any Pharoah in my life to varnish In Jesus name


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