John 8:12: Jesus said to the people, " I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life".

From John 8:4-11, Jesus had just saved the life of the woman caught in adultery. The penalty for her offense was death but Jesus had acquitted and discharged her of the consequences of her sin. The laws of the land, religious laws, and peoples opinion about you does not have the final say in your life. The Bible says the teachers of the religious law and the Pharisees brought the woman to Jesus to seek his opinion. They knew the law but it was not enough to determine the woman's faith, Jesus has the final say. The laws and the odds might be against you, but their verdict does not settle your case. Your end is determined by Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus is calling you to follow him, because
He has the light that leads to life. For the wages of following human rules and breaking them is death but the wages of following Christ is life. Won't you rather choose Christ?

Prayer: Jesus I have heeded to your call to follow you from now. Let your light that gives light lead me on. Holy Spirit thank you for the conviction Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


  1. Lord Jesus shine your light on me and is u who have the final say in my life, Lord anything Satan has plan against me Lord don't let it come to paaa. Amen


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