1 Kings 17:1 Now Elijah, who was from Tishbe in Gilead, told King Ahab, “As surely as the lord, the God of Israel, lives—the God I serve—there will be no dew or rain during the next few years until I give the word!”

First Kings Chapter seventeen begins on the note of the introduction of one of the prominent figures of the Bible, the outstanding prophet Elijah. Much is not said about his background but we are given the name of the town he hails from. Tishbe in Gilead. Tishbe means captivity. The man came from the captivity to give a word to a ruling king. You can live in captivity and not be a captive because of the God you serve, you will be a free man. Joseph lived as a royal though a  captive in the land of Egypt.

His assignment was during an era of one of the most wicked kings of Israel Ahab. His first appearance was accompanied by a strong judgment from God. How can a man who has not been mentioned before, just appear with such heavy pronouncements before the king without fear? Elijah's experiences and encounters with God gave him such audacity before the king. “As surely as the lord, the God of Israel lives—the God I serve—there will be no dew or rain during the next few years until I give the word!”  His confidence was solely in the truth that He serves God and that was empowering enough for him to make an appearance before anyone including the wicked King Ahab.

Think about how government officials or even ambassadors to nations operate, as small as they may look outwardly, without having any relationship with the people, a person, nation or organizations yet because of their affiliation with certain governments in power they make big appearances, they don't need to know, their serve under the government of the day qualifies to do so. Beloved if you want the boldness that Elijah had and to make big appearances then you must serve the Living God whose government has no end. The bragging rights of Elijah came from the fact that he served a Living God that's all, nothing more nothing less. Serving God is a great thing that gives us great advantages. It is in serving God that you get every privilege that you desire. Serve the Lord, work for the Lord your appearing shall be seen by the great and mighty.

Prayer: Holy Spirit give me a heart that has the desire to serve the Lord faithfully all the days of my life. Father as I serve you, be honoured in my life in Jesus' name. Amen.

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