1 Samuel 18:7 This was their song: “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands!”

This song sung by the women concerning David and King Saul began the lifetime hatred of King Saul toward David. What was the content that triggered hatred? The women compared David's victory to that of Saul. Comparison is what triggers jealousy.  The victory that was won by both David and King Saul belonged to all of Israel. Individual recommendations and rewards must be given to motivate and encourage people. As an individual, you should learn to celebrate the victories of others.

If you desire anything that someone has, you can always ask the person, learn and ask God for Grace to excel in that area. 1 Timothy 6:6-7 Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. One virtue you need to overcome jealousy is contentment. Contentment is a relatively positive emotional state of satisfaction and inner peace about your current circumstance.

The bible added that the more reason we need to be content is that we brought nothing into the world and we are not taking anything out. If you are envious of someone because of their resources, position or personality, no one leaves the earth with these things. Learn to be happy for others as you await your change and lifting.

Prayer: Holy Spirit rid my heart of jealousy and pour out into me the spirit of contentment. I thank you, Lord Jesus Christ.

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  1. Help Us Holy Spirit 🙏🏾

  2. Amen
    Thank you so much woman of God for always sharing with us.
    Studying through the devotional daily has been a deeper level of revelation and memorable encounter with God.God bless you .


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