Ezekiel 14:1-3 Then some of the leaders of Israel visited me, and while they were there, this message came to me from the Lord: "Son of man, these leaders have set up idols in their hearts. They have embraced things that lead them into sin. Why should I let them ask me anything?

Leadership comes with many responsibilities; again, leaders are people, others imitate. Like any other person, leaders have challenges that they cannot publicly express. Some leaders are alcoholics, drug addicts, corrupt, wife abusers, rapists, etc., yet when they come into the public, they must look prem and proper. Because of this menace with some leaders, God rejects them when they come before him. In our text today, a group of leaders went before the priest Ezekiel to inquire of the Lord; it was there that the Lord revealed the state of the heart of these leaders, they have set idols in their hearts, and they are indulged in sin. If leaders are going through challenges, they have find it difficult to talk about it to people, and sometimes, amazingly, they try and hide it from God. King David, when he was indulged in sin, it was difficult for him to confide in anyone, and he was even hiding it from God. If you are a leader, you should be humble enough to go before God with your challenges. When David was cautioned by prophet Nathan, he repented and asked God for forgiveness. You as a leader must also go to God concerning your private sins to receive mercy and Grace.

Prayer: Father, I pray for myself that if I am struggling with any sin, deliver me from it; I also pray for your leaders that you have mercy on them and forgive any private sin they may be indulging in Jesus' name. Amen

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