Proverbs 23:22 Listen to your father, who gave you life and do not despise your mother when she is old.

Honor your parents. Your life depends on it. Parents will weaken with age, but you still have to honor them. God ordained parents, and He handpicked yours. He will generously reward those who honor parents.
Eph 6:2-3Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise--"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.").
But He will destroy rebels (Pr 20:20 If a man curses his father or mother, his lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness.)
God planned for children to arrive in life helpless, so they do. He also planned they would grow to successful maturity under the affectionate care, instruction, and rule of parents. But this wise family relationship also depends on children honoring their parents.
God created the offices of father and mother, but He also chose the very persons who are your father and mother. When the great God brought you into existence, He did not ask you or your parents. He planned and executed a blind date for the three of you based on His perfect knowledge of all circumstances and possible outcomes of the arrangement. Humble yourself before your God-chosen parents. Obey them. Honor them. Love them.
The thing you should be most content about is your father. God chose him. God chose his ability, education, wealth, intelligence, looks, personality, opportunities, successes, and failures for His own glory and your perfection. No other father would have worked as well for you. The eternal counsel of heaven connected you two, and any discontentment or disrespect from you is treason against the design of a benevolent and sovereign God. 
She loved you and did more for you than ten wives could or would. She patiently adored, pampered, praised, and doted on you in ways a wife will not. She was a tireless servant in providing food, clothing, bedding, and countless other comforts for your existence, though you never gave her even a “thank you” for years. She suffered through your infatuation with girlfriends, who combined and squared would never do as much for you.
You should fearfully hearken to God your Father and never despise Him, even far more than your earthly father and mother.

Prayer: Heavenly Father I honor You with my life, I pray for the strength to honor my parents as you have instructed me, I'm grateful for their lives, keep them safe and sound in Jesus name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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