Proverbs 19:15 Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry.

Laziness casts one into a deep sleep: There are many problems with laziness, and one of them is that it leads to more laziness, sending the lazy man into a deep sleep. There is no work to be done from a deep sleep.
Laziness plunges him into a state of being so deep in sleep that he is totally unconscious of his situation. Unaware of his tragic situation and unable to arouse himself, the sluggard neglects his source of income and go hungry. His fate is similar to that of drunkards and the gluttons (Proverbs 23:21for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.).An idle person will suffer hunger: There is a great price to be paid from laziness, one of those prices is the hunger one suffers as one’s needs are not met through hard work. The lazy man or woman puts themselves in a trap of sleep and hunger.
We also found out in Proverbs 10:4 that "Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth."
To be lazy is to be Unwilling to do work or make an effort; the sure end of this is poverty, we can see beggars portraying this nature, these people are very capable of working but due to laziness has opted to beg others on daily basis, which is not good.
Proverbs 20:13"Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare."
Any person who invests most of his/her time in sleeping will absolutely live in poverty since such a person is not willing to work.

Prayer: Thank you, Father, that it is not your will that I suffer hunger but has made provision only if I don't become a lazy person. May You continually guide me in all my ways so that I can yield much fruit as I work in Jesus name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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