Proverbs 20:27 The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.

Man is not an animal, and he is not like any animal. God kept something in man that makes him very different. God gave man a conscience, and this conscience is a law, teacher, and judge for each man, woman, and child. Your conscience is the candle of the LORD. This light from God inside you examines and judges your thoughts, words, and deeds. Man makes choices not by their instincts, for God gave every conscious person a conscience to help him know and do what is right. This invisible spirit inside you has a sense of right and wrong, and it will approve the right things and condemn the wrong things you do. It will also reflect on what others do and make judgments as to whether they are right or wrong.. A man can only know himself by his conscience; he cannot know another person by it 
(ICor 2:11For who knows a person’s thoughts except for their own spirit within them? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.)
Sometimes your spirit is full of joy, and sometimes it is full of sadness, and no other person can fully feel or know your emotions.

You must teach your conscience the truth and wisdom of God, and you must obey it when it tells you to do certain things, and when it says other things are wrong. God gave you this candle to help make you great, but the sinful world around you tries to silence your conscience so you will approve all they want to do. You must not allow worldly lifestyles, presented to you by various media, to corrupt or numb your conscience. Your conscience should approve or accuse you right now. If you have been living a godly and righteous life, your conscience should approve you for following this proverb. If you have been living a foolish or worldly life, often violating your conscience, then it should accuse you of wrongdoing. What will you do with this candle of the LORD? Ask God to revive it inside you (Ps 51:10"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." ... Renew a loyal spirit within me." ), and carefully use it to guide your choices to please Him.

Prayer: Help me Dear Lord to live in the light of Your word, so that my spirit will be enlightened always and shine forth Your glory in Jesus name. Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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