Ecclesiastes 11:9 You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

In this passage, one listens to teaching which recognizes the claims of human nature and of the earthly life, and yet solemnly maintains the subordination of all our pleasures and occupations to the service of our Master, and to our preparation for the great account.
 There's a divine provision of life's joy. This language is a language of irony - and it seems better to take it as sober serious truth, - then we are taught that the delights of this earthly existence, however they are capable of abuse, are in themselves not evil, but proofs of the Creator's benevolence, to be accepted with devout thanksgiving. In dealing with the young it is especially important to avoid warring with their innocent pleasures. These may sometimes seem to us trivial and unprofitable, but a juster view of human nature will convince us that they are wisely appointed to fulfill a certain place and office in human life. There's also a divine appointment of future judgment. Conscience suggests that we are responsible beings and that retribution is a reality. What conscience suggests revelation certifies. The Bible lays the greatest stress upon individual accountability. We are taught in the text that we are not only responsible for the work we do in life, but for the pleasures we pursue. Certainly, it is of the greatest advantage that men should recollect in the days of happiness the assurances of Scripture, that God shall ere long bring them into judgment. Such recollection will check any inclination to unlawful enjoyments and will prevent undue absorption in enjoyments which are in themselves lawful, but to which a disproportionate value may be attached. There is a sense in which, as we are here reminded, "youth and the prime of life are vanity." They will prove to be so to those who imagine that they will last, to these who pride themselves in them and boast of them, to those who use them only as the Opportunity of personal pleasure, to those who forget their Creator, neglect his Law, and despise his Gospel. If every blessing in this life is taken as coming directly from the great Giver's hand, as a token of his favor, and as the result of the mediation of his blessed Son, then may the very enjoyments of this life become to Christians the occasion of present grace and the earnest of fullness. I beseech you to love Jesus Christ and trust Him as your Saviour; serve Him as your Captain and your King in the days of your youth. Do not offer Him the fag end of life -- the last inch of the candle that is burning down into the socket. Do it now, for the moments are flying, and you may never have Him offered to you anymore. If there is any softening, any touch of conscience in your heart, yield to the impulse and do not stifle it. Take Christ for your Saviour, take Him now -- 'Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.'

Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank You for your word today, I live my life with regards to Your judgment, help me to live in pleasing you all the days of my life in Jesus' name.Amen

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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