Proverbs 16:7 When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Is it possible for a man to have peace with his or her enemies?  It looks impossible but the word of the Lord says is very possible. This is possible when your way pleases the Lord. When you live by God's rule and his ways He favor's you in the sight of your enemies. There are biblical examples of people who thrived in enemy territories. Because Joseph feared the Lord even though a slave in Egypt he enjoyed all around peace in an Enemy land. Moses the deliverer of Israel enjoy peace in Pharaoh's Palace. When you have the fear of it opens uncommon doors for your life. We make enemies for ourselves when we operate outside the will of God. The Lord himself hand us over to our enemies. Israel went into captivity in Babylon when they disobeyed God. It was God himself who made it happen. To enjoy peace with your enemies let your ways please the Lord.

Prayer: Father in Jesus name as my ways please you, let me enjoy peace with my enemies in name Amen. 

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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