Proverbs 27:21 The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives.

Silver and gold were identified, separated, and refined from impurities in a fining pot or furnace. There the trial of great heat separated base metals from precious metals. The end result of the hot trial left only the pure metals that were ready to be used for fine jewelry.

Praise is a fiery trial for individuals Proverbs 17:3Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart.
 If a man has a base or weak character, praise will make him proud, conceited, and overbearing. If a man has a precious or strong character, it will not affect him at all. He will continue in his modest and humble course, glorifying God and being thankful for any good that he might be able to do toward others. 

Praise creates a severe test of your soul. Praise will reveal what kind of person you are. It will prove a spirit of godly humility or a spirit of devilish pride. Do you crave the praise of men? Does it greatly warm your soul?  Do you fear it? Do you fully understand that anything you are or have is a gift from God?

Reader, what do you have that was not given to you? If what you have was a gift from Another, how can you be proud or take glory in it, as if it were your accomplishment? The only difference between you and others is God’s gift 
ICor 4:7 For what gives you the right to make such a judgment? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?
 Give Him praise!

Those taught by the Holy Spirit will recognize the great danger in praise. You should carry a sign saying you are flammable, to keep the heat or spark of praise at a distance. You should dread praise more than rebuke, for the one bears the good fruits of humility and instruction, and the other may work your ruin by the most pleasant poison. A seed of pride lies active in the most sanctified soul, and just a little praise can be enough to water it into rapid and extensive growth that will choke your fruitfulness and bring judgment.
Consider also the blessed Lord Jesus Christ, who left the throne of glory to become a servant among men (Phil 2:5-8). He even requested that His glorious miracles not be spread abroad, for He was not the least interested in the praise of men (Mark 7:36).

Prepare yourself ahead of time, dear reader, so that when the deadly elixir of praise is offered, you may politely and deftly direct the attention to heaven, from where all blessings descend. You are nothing without Him, and you should give Him all the glory.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, keep on humble as you are, let my focus and praise be set on you and not myself in Jesus' name.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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