John 9:4
All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end.
In John 9: 1-3, the disciples of Jesus had met a man born blind and they were asking Jesus the reason behind the man's blindness. Is it personal or generational? The answer Jesus gave is that is neither of the two but is for God's glory to be seen. Right after that Jesus tells the disciples; we all must carry out the tasks assigned to us by God. Jesus was teaching us that anytime we see problems, it is not for us to go searching for the cause but it is for us to reveal God's glory in that situation. And how do we do that?  We reveal God's glory when we solve problems around us. We don't bring glory to God when we join the masses to complain. God's glory is seen when you rise to perform the tasks assigned in your home, neighborhood, workplace in the nation. Daniel, Joseph, Nehemiah, the prophets of old and the father's of the faith beyond their spirituality solved problems in their time to God's glory. Is time we demonstrate God's glory not only with our tongues of fire and contemporary structures and styles but we must be involved in solving the problems of humanity  in our generation.
Prayer: Holy Spirit open my eyes and empower to solves problems in my generation to the glory of God in Jesus name Amen
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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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