Daniel 12:2-3
Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
The resurrection of the dead was revealed to some prophets of old before Jesus Christ. Whether you believe it or not some will rise into eternal life whiles others will rise into eternal contempt. Where will you belong?
In Zion there is no night there, Jesus is our light and we need no other light. But isn't amazing that there are people who are going to add to the brightness of heaven. The wise will Shine like Jesus Christ. Who are these wise people?  The Bible says wisdom starts by fearing the Lord. All who believed in Jesus Christ as the son of God and submitted to him will known as the wise ones. The part I enjoy most; those who led many to righteousness will shine like stars forever. Where do you lead people to?  Do you lead them into righteousness or sin. You have been called to lead many into righteousness not a few. 
Make   Scripture Union (SU) Chorus 50 your daily prayer to lead many into righteousness.
Prayer: Lead me to some soul today. Oh teach me Lord just what to say:Friends of mine are lost in sin and cannot find their way.
Few there are who seem to care. And few there are who pray. Melt my heart and fill my life. To win some soul today. Amen.


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