Esther 6:13
And he told Zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him. His advisers and his wife Zeresh said to him, "Since Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him-- you will surely come to ruin!"
Your origin is very important. It can speak for your failure or success. The allies of Haman attested to the fact people of Jewish origin are not failures, not because of any special thing they have but is simply because of their original connection to the most high God. You have also become a spiritual Israelite, not by birth or naturalization but through the your personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But in Christ you have a better covenant  than the original Jew who lived under the Mosaic law. If anyone touches you, they have touched the eye of the most high God. They will fall and they will be totally destroyed. You don't have to carry spears and javelin. It is enough to belong to the family of the most high God that alone gives you and advantage over your adversary. If you have not joined the family of God yet, get on board quickly, it is a sure guarantee against your adversary.
Prayer: Holy spirit from today I connect myself to the vine. I declare my victory in Jesus name Amen


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