Esther 10:3
Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Xerxes, preeminent among the Jews, and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews.
Mordecai did not use his position in government to abuse his people. He used his position to seek their welfare. Leadership is not Lordship but service. It was not time for him amass wealth unto himself but it was time for him to work for the good of  his people not himself. He did this by making sure they get their portion of the National quota  which they contribute to via the payment of taxes. He ensured they had good accommodation, good road network, quality health system, quality education, excellent social amenities coupled with equal rights and Justice. If the likes of Mordecai and Joseph could fight for the welfare of their people whiles they were slaves in another country. Why can't some leaders in independent countries do same for their citizens?  Wherever you find yourself in leadership you are working for the common good of the people and not yourself. They will only accept you when they see you have their interest at heart. And they will overthrow you and eject you out office if all you do is amass self wealth. Is time you change your perception about governance and leadership.
Prayer: Holy Spirit convict me and let me know am in leadership to serve for the interest of others and not myself in Jesus name Amen


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