Joel 3:10
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, 'I am strong!'

In Joel three God himself had called upon nations to war against  Judah.  But then he gives them a military tactic for victory.  Beat your plow spears into sword and your pruning hooks into spears. What was the Lord teaching them ?  With the right weapon in your hands even a weakling becomes very powerful. David said you have taught my hands to war. When God calls you, he doesn't make you throw away what you have in your hands but he modifies it to be used for his glory. So the instruction was not for them to go and buy new swords and spears but they were to beat their plow spears and pruning hooks into swords and spears. God asked Moses what do you have in your hand? At at every point in time by the power of the holy spirit the rod could turn into a serpent and swallow up others serpents, at  another time it divided the red sea and when it was struck against the rock it brought forth water. Are you willing to give what you have to the Lord?  Sometimes too it happens we have the right tools but lack clear direction. Like Peter and his fisher folks they had experience, the right tools but lacked direction. But as they obeyed the voice of Christ and launched into the deep they had bumper harvest.
Someone has said the only permanent thing in life is change. And the wisest man on earth also says there nothing new under the sun. It simply means the changes we see is at a result of the modification of the old. Sometimes the changing process is difficult but when you yield the end is beautiful.

Prayer: Holy spirit I give you what I have in my hands. Brood over it and turn it into something super natural and great in Jesus mighty name Amen


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