Jonah 1: 2-3
"Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me."But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the LORD.
Most at times for the fear and favor of people we neglect our God given assignment. When you do that God considers that as disloyalty to him. It was recorded that Jonah flee from the Lord not from the people of Nineveh.  Anytime you run away from your divine assignment because of fear, favor, financial constrain, time, weakness and others excuses God sees it as running away from him. God is all knowing, he knows you and your flaws yet he choose for that assignment.
It becomes even more dangerous when you align yourself towards a different assignment outside the God given one. Jonah had not arrived in Tarshish yet but see how his involvement with the crew from Joppa cost them to loose their joy, peace, properties and their lives were at stake but for the lot they had cast to find the victim responsible for their predicament. It would  have been more chaotic for the land of Tarshish when he finally arrives there and settle down. Some families, Nations, businesses, marriages, institutes and investments have become shaky and is collapsing because there is someone there who is out of the will of God. They may never survive till they get that individual out. Today we must all do a self check in the pursuit of our divine assignment. How has the family being since you joined, how is the business doing since you joined, how is your department doing since you got on board.
Most institutional failures has been linked to poor work ethics, customer service and stuff but today we are learning from Jonah one that beyond these, there are also a category of people who are causing the downfall of families, institutions, ministries and relationships because they are not walking in their God given assignment . Are you walking in divine purpose?
Prayer: Holy spirit I submit my will to walk in my God given assignment that I may not cause other others to loose lives, joy,  peace and properties in Jesus name Amen


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