Mark 8:37-38 Is anything worth more than your soul?  If a person is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, I, the Son of Man, will be ashamed of that person when I return in the glory of my Father with the holy angels. "

Acceptance is the greatest need of humanity. People don't go where they are not accepted. People are willing to do anything and everything to belong. Some go to the extent of living a lie to keep up with the Joneses.
Mark eight records Jesus feeding the four thousand, healing a blind man and warming against the teachings of the Pharisees and the scribes. Then in verse twenty- nine He asks His disciples who do people say I am? Then Peter, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, answered, you are the Messiah. Right after the revelation of His identity, Jesus Christ, for the first time, speaks about His death and the pain He will go through.
Mark 8:31 Then Jesus began to tell them that he, the Son of Man, would suffer many terrible things and be rejected by the leaders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, and three days later he would rise again. Then well, meaning Peter, who just got the revelation that He was the Messiah, took aside in a one-on-one talk and reprimanded. But Jesus Christ did not rebuke Peter in secret; He did it in the open; In Mark 8:33, Jesus turned and looked at his disciples and then said to Peter very sternly, " Get away from me, Satan!

You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's. "
After the revelation of the identity of Jesus Christ was the sufferings, He must go through Jesus Christ had this to say to the people who wanted to follow Him. Beloved, every identity comes with a level of sacrifice. In the natural, every path a person takes comes with sacrifices.
Students pay the price of studying; politicians pay the cost of campaigning rigorously to win elections. If Jesus Christ is the one you want to follow, then this is the criteria in Mark 8: 34 Jesus called the crowd together with His disciples and said to them.
"If anyone wishes to follow Me as My disciple, he must deny himself set aside selfish interests, and take up his cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow Me believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me.
If you are not ashamed of posting funny videos on social media platforms, you are not ashamed to sell your goods and services. Why are you ashamed about the name of Jesus Christ and His message? All about Jesus Christ is geared at the salvation of your soul. It was not embarrassing for Christ to hang on the cross for you. Don't ever be ashamed of being hanged for Him.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, forgive me for grieving you by the countless times I have I could rise in defense of your name. Grant me boldness that I may declare your name message with all boldness in Jesus' name. Amen.

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