Isaiah 37:21:Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel, ‘Because you have prayed to Me against Sennacherib king of Assyria.

As soon as Hezekiah came to the Lord in prayer and laid out the perilous state of the people of Judah. Hezekiah’s prayer, and also a triumphant confirmation of God’s control of history and His ability to control even the great might of the Assyrian Empire!  Hezekiah had laid the future of Jerusalem and the state of Judah before the Lord in prayer (37:14f.); he did not summon Isaiah for an answer, but Isaiah knew what was happening. Isaiah simply received this prophetic message from the Lord in response to the King’s prayer and gave it to him.
Remarkably, all this happens as an answer to prayer. Some have argued that it is unfair for God’s people in general or
Hezekiah in particular to attempt to manipulate history by ‘pulling strings’ with God employing prayer. However, this
would be to misunderstand the purpose and meaning of prayer. Prayer is communication between ourselves and God that brings us into line with His will, prayer does not pull God into line with our will, and there is a big difference between
the two! In verses 26 and 27, God mocks the King of Assyria by declaring that he, the Lord God, has always been
responsible for the affairs of the world. He was in control, and what was happening was according to His plan. When we come in prayer to the Lord in extreme circumstances as Hezekiah did (36:14f.), we ask for the Lord to answer our prayers, but we may not expect an answer in the form of a prophecy! Perhaps in our day when people regard prophecy as a rare gift limited only to a few people and when Paul’s desire that all might prophesy (1 Cor 14:5) is widely misunderstood, we have all but closed the door to one of the means whereby the Lord can answer our prayers. . However, the Lord is longing for those who hear Him be willing to receive His
prophetic word in the encouragement of others, and sometimes an answer to their prayers! When many feel at a loss to know how the Lord will answer their prayers, perhaps we need to open our spirits to allow God to use us not in new ways, but in more fulfilling ways.

PRAYER: May we find our peace in You, Lord Jesus; teacher of Israel, servant of all, and healer of the sick. Bless our work, teach us the truth, lead us where we should go, and help us in our need, we pray; Lord Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of the World: AMEN

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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