Luke 24:51While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.

Our Lord Jesus went through the normal birth procedure to begin his life on earth, but his glorification was different and outstanding. You may begin life just as anyone else but how you end is most important. You can start ordinarily but may your end be glorious. David started as Shepherd but ended his life as a king. Don't focus so much on your beginning but concentrate on your end and work with God for a glorious future for the beginning of a thing is not as important as the end. Have a blessed weekend. 

Prayer: Lord I pray for the grace to finish my course well in life in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


  1. Oh Lord Jesus, I pray for the Spirit of endurance and perseverance to finish all my courses in life as well as the ministry in Jesus's name . Amen.


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