Isaiah 65:24 "It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.

The book of Isaiah takes us from the judgement of God's sinful people, through the millennial reign of Christ and into the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. It describes God's denunciation of Israel for her sin and His judgement of the surrounding, godless nations. It speaks of deliverance; pardon; comfort and restoration and tells of the rejection of their Messiah - the suffering Servant of God and the amazing sacrifice of Himself for sin.

It identifies the Person and Work of the promised Redeemer and Restorer of Israel. It announces the wonders of the millennial rule of Christ on earth, the promise of a new and better covenant - it also records the powerful prayer of the helpless little remnant of believers, who cry out for His help and salvation.

The pleading cries of God's people are recorded in chapters 63 and 64, calling for a day of vengeance, when the Lord will judge their adversaries for His holy name's sake. Revenge quickly turns to repentance as God's little remnant pleads with the Potter to take them and mould them into the work of His hand. They ask Him to fashion and form them into a people after God's heart.
Isaiah contrasts the wrath that will one day be poured out on those who disobey Him with the glorious future He has planned for all who trust His word, obey His voice, and repent of their sins. His servants will eat, but the wicked will be hungry. God's servants will rejoice, but they will be put to shame. His servants will shout joyfully but they will cry out with a heavy heart and a broken spirit.

The precious promises that will one day be poured out on the righteous make it very clear that God has not finished with His chosen people. The entire nation of Israel had to be punished as this was one of His covenant conditions - but there is a wonderful hope for the faithful remnant who hold fast to His word and trust His plan.

The description of Israel and her place in the coming millennial kingdom of Christ, as promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David, together with the promise of the eternal ages to come will be realized in their lives, and is spelled out in graphic detail in this passage. They are also promised -: It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.

But this should not surprise us. God is omniscient and knows the end before the beginning. He knows the heart of man and He knows those who are His. He can read the thoughts of the hearts of all His created beings and His plan to redeem those that trust in Him was formulated before the foundation of the world.

God is not mocked, and He has told us that the just shall live by faith, while those that deny His name and reject His Christ will suffer the eternal consequences of rejecting the only sacrifice for sin. The prayers of Old Testament saints; tribulation saints and Church age saints are heard and answered by God, for He knows the pleadings of our heart before we translate them in prayer. His answer speeds on its way before we call, He responds to our cry while we are calling and His answer will always be delivered in His way, in His time, and for His eternal praise and our eternal benefit.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, what a comfort and joy to know that You know and understand the deepest longings of our heart. Thank You that You know the end before the beginning and hear and answer the prayers of Your people before the request forms in our heart or crosses our lips. Thank You for beautifying our requests and providing the answer that is best for us. Teach me to pray into Your will for my life and align my heart's desires to Your perfect will. This I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

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The Lady Evangelist Kim


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