1 Kings 20:36 Then the prophet told him, “Because you have not obeyed the voice of the lord, a lion will kill you as soon as you leave me.” And when he had gone, a lion did attack and kill him.

This story is one of the stories in The Bible that baffles my mind. It is about a young prophet who was given the word of God, he began well by being resolute in his decision to obey God to the core but at a point in time he disobeyed to heed the voice of a senior prophet and in the end, he died for disobeying God. The Prophet Samuel told King Saul that to obey is better than sacrifice.  Even when it comes to parents the Bible says obey your parents in the Lord.

The catchword in the Lord is very key because God in His sovereignty knows that there will be parents and elderly people who will tend to use their position and influence to compel people to go contrary to His will and word. God cautions us all that obedience and acceptance should be in Him, the Lord. God will not begrudge you if you do not submit to anything that is not in Him. God did not rebuke Joseph for refusing to sleep with his master's wife. He is highly recommended and approved by God for doing so. The word of God to you is the most important word and final word. You must only glean the experiences and opinions of people who will help you walk in obedience to God's word to you. If you are sure in your spirit that is the Lord speaking to you then you have to obey without an aorta of doubt, discarding all other contrary voices. 

Acts 26:19 “Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. When God gives you a word you don't disobey. It may not make sense to you, it may not be clear, it will be criticized but if is God's word then Hold on to it. Obeying God word word is so critical that it determines your eternal destination. Going to heaven is not like a team headed by a coach, where the team has to play using the coach's tactics no! You are responsible for your eternal condemnation or acclamation. You are responsible for your salvation by what you choose to hear and believe. John 10:27-28 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. If you hear of voice of Jesus Christ He will give you eternal life. He has spoken but there are other voices. Fine-tune your ears to hear from the Good Shepherd who gives eternal life.

Prayer: Holy Spirit I help me. I can't miss out on God's word and his voice. Help me to filter out negative voices and to hear and obey the voice of God only in Jesus' name. Amen.

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  1. Father In Heaven, We Ask For The Zeal To Be Able To Obey You And You Alone In Jesus Name.


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