Proverbs 7:4-5
Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call understanding your kinsman; they will keep you from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words.
We have cordial relationship with sisters. We easily approach them concerning daily issues and concerns. Our  Kinsmen are not people we can easily approach. We go to them with higher issues to seek their opinions or for them to settle issues for us. Boaz was the Kinsman to Abimelech, Noami's husband therefore he was able to redeem him to keep his family line in his absence. Wisdom is to you both a sister and a kinsman. You must consult wisdom regarding simple issues and you must consult wisdom on complex issues. Wisdom begins with the fear of God, meaning the fear of God only,  is not wisdom, but the beginning of it. Bible says wisdom cries out in the streets, market places etc. It means we can look around us and get wisdom. By learning from people experiences and avoiding their negatives. By reading books and heeding to godly counsel you apply ourselves to wisdom. Let wisdom be to you a sister and a kinsman.
Prayer: Holy spirit help me to pursue wisdom  in my daily endeavors in Jesus name Amen


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